pali-; palim-, palin-
(Greek > Latin: recurrence, repetitious; back, backward, again; returning, repeating)
An involuntary repetition of movements.
A continuous repetition of the same letters, words, or parts of words when writing: A paligraphia is observed particularly in some medical patients with bulbar palsy (paralysis of muscles of the soft palate, tongue, pharynx, and the larynx), Parkinson's disease (disease of the nerves causing tremors, muscular weakness and stiffness), and presenile (pre-old age) or senile (old age) dementia.
In neurology, an involuntary pathological repetition of the same movements over and over again.
A speech disorder characterized by the repetition of words, phrases, or sentences with increasing rapidity.
A compulsive rereading of words or phrases.
A morbid or obsessive repetition of something spoken.
The repetition of a word or phrase; especially, in immediate succession, for the sake of emphasis.
A metrical foot consisting of two long syllables and one short syllable.
1. A hand written page that has been erased and written over many times: All history has been a palimpsest, scraped clean and re-inscribed as often as was necessary.
2. A manuscript written over a partly erased older manuscript in such a way that the old words can still be read under the new ones.
3. A manuscript, typically of papyrus or parchment, that has been written on more than once, with the earlier writing incompletely erased and often legible.
4. Writing material; such as, a parchment or tablet which is used one or more times after earlier writing has been diminished.
5. Something having diverse layers or aspects apparently beneath the surface.
2. A manuscript written over a partly erased older manuscript in such a way that the old words can still be read under the new ones.
3. A manuscript, typically of papyrus or parchment, that has been written on more than once, with the earlier writing incompletely erased and often legible.
4. Writing material; such as, a parchment or tablet which is used one or more times after earlier writing has been diminished.
5. Something having diverse layers or aspects apparently beneath the surface.
palimpsestic (adjective), more palimpsestic, most palimpsestic
A reference to a parchment from which the earlier writing has been partly or completely removed to make room for the next text.
palinal (adjective), more palinal, most palinal
1. Characterized by or involving backward movements; especially, of the lower jaw in mastication or during chewing.
2.Conveying a backward motion.
2.Conveying a backward motion.
1. A word, verse, or sentence that reads exactly the same backward as forward: The best known palindrome is probably the remark Napoleon supposedly made when he was banished to the island of Elba after his removal as emperor of France: "Able was I ere I saw Elba."
Here are other examples of palindromes: "Sore was I ere I saw Eros" and "Live was I ere I saw evil".
There was a special palindrome which was created for Time magazine: "Live on, Time, emit no evil."
A Latin palindrome has a sentence that not only reads backward but also has each word that reads backward: Sator arepo tenet opera rotas. It is translated as, "Sator [a man's name] holds the handles of the plow in plowing."
In addition, the first letter of each word spells the first word, Sator, the second letter of each word spells the second word, arepo, and so on through the sentence, and this is also true when you do it backwards.
2. Etymology: from Greek palindromos, "running back again, recurring"; from palin, "again" + dromos, "a running"
A click with your mouse on this palindromes link will take you to a list which is available for your examination.
The repetition of or a return to the formerly bad condition of a disease.
A relapse or recurrence of a disease.
palindromic (adjective), more palindromic, most palindromic
1. Descriptive of having a structure or composition that reads the same in both directions.
2. In medicine, relating to a disease that is recurring or repeating.
2. In medicine, relating to a disease that is recurring or repeating.